Orlando Stepparent Adoption Lawyer
Florida law allows stepparents to adopt their stepchild by following proper procedure. Don't go to court alone; our experienced team will assistance you from beginning to end for a successful adoption.
Successful Stepparent Adoption
The first stepparent adoption is terminating the absent parents parental rights. Typically an absent parent signs a consent for stepparent adoption to terminate their parental rights. This occurs often as that parent no longer wants to be responsible for child support (although they are still responsible for arrears). If the absent parent refuses to sign the consent for stepparent adoption, the court can terminate their rights after a showing of abandonment pursuant to the Florida Statutes.
If the child is over the age of 12 years old, the child must consent to the stepparent adoption.
Once the rights of the absent parent has been terminated, the court will finalize the stepparent adoption. At this point, it would be as the child was born to the stepparent and the stepparent has legal rights to the child as well as financial responsibility.
While every case is different, a successful stepparent adoption can be achieved in a few months typically. Some issues can arrive in a case like this, such as the biological parent objecting to the adoption. It would be smart to have the assistance of an experienced attorney to guide you through the process.
Lastly, as of January 2015, same sex couples can adopt their partner's child, and we would be happy to help you through this entire adoption process.
Alcalde Legal serving the Central Florida Area
Alcalde Legal has helped many families successfully complete their stepparent adoptions, and we look forward to working with you.
While Alcalde Legal is based in Orlando, we travel throughout the state of Florida to assist you in your family needs.
Contact our Stepparent Adoption Attorney Today!
If you have any questions regarding Stepparent Adoption in Florida, don't hesitate to call us at 407-801-9230 or fill out the form below to schedule your appointment.
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