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Orlando Naturalization & Citizenship Immigration Lawyer

Citizenship in the United States is sought after by many individuals each and every day.  For many, citizenship in the United States opens doors to education, freedom, careers, etc.


Citizenship can be obtained in a few different ways:

  • You were born in the U.S.;

  • You were born to U.S. citizen parents provided certain requirements are met;

  • Naturalization process; or

  • Meet the requirements of the Child Citizenship Act which allows a child to automatically become a citizen when their parents naturalize.



If you were born to a U.S. citizen parent abroad, you may automatically be a U.S. citizen.  Obtaining a Certificate of Citizenship is highly recommended.  At Alcalde Legal, we can assess whether you are automatically a citizen and can help you obtain your Certificate of Citizenship.


Applicants must meet certain criteria to become a U.S. Citizen through the naturalization process:

  • Be at least 18 years old;

  • Have lawful permanent resident status for at least five years unless you are married to a U.S. citizen, in which case you must have lawful permanent resident status for at least three year;

  • Meet continuous resident requirements;

  • Meet physical presence requirements;

  • Be able to read, write  and understand English;

  • Pass a civics test;

  • Display good moral character; and

  • Willing to take the Oath of Allegiance.


Please note that crimes after an applicant obtained their lawful permanent resident status can result in a naturalization petition denial and can also result in the loss of their green card.  If you have a criminal record, us at Alcalde Legal analyze your case and assess your risks and provide advice on the best course of action.


We know that the process can be long, stressful and overwhelming.  We work closely with our clients explaining the process and going through each step with them to ensure a successful result and quality legal representation.  At Alcalde Legal we prepare all the forms necessary for the application, prepare the applicant for the interview and civics test and provide representation at the interview with U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. 

Contact Our Citizenship and Naturalization Attorney Today!

If you have any questions regarding citizenship and/or naturalization, don't hesitate to call us at 407-801-9230 or fill out the form below to schedule your appointment.

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